



Run the generator cli command

npx @typelytics/posthog-generator

Follow the CLI directions

  @typelytics posthog type generation

  No value for POSTHOG_API_KEY found in environment variables. Please enter your PostHog API key

  No value for POSTHOG_PROJECT_ID found in environment variables. Please enter your PostHog project ID

  Starting generation of TypeScript file for num events...

  Fetched 60 properties for event $autocapture

  Fetched 19 properties for event $groupidentify


  Generating output file for 36 events...

Commit the generated file

After running the generation command, you will have a file with all of your events, it will look similar to the following:

const events = {
  $pageleave: {
    name: "$pageleave",
    properties: [
        name: "fbclid",
        type: "String",
        name: "$active_feature_flags",
        type: null,
  $pageview: {
    name: "$pageview",
    properties: [
        name: "fbclid",
        type: "String",
        name: "$active_feature_flags",
        type: null,

This file is safe to commit to your repository and should contain no secrets.